Dream and Susan Bliss are both a delicate pink self and are very beautiful in form and poise. Dream has an orange beard … in Susan Bliss the beard is not so intense a yellow and the plant is more sturdy in growth. In our climate I think that perhaps SB is the better plant, if only one of these is required as Dream flowers to perfection during fine sunny weather. At Wisley these two were growing side by side and one difference was very noticable. Susan Bliss has a certain amount of undulation in the standards and falls that give it in mass a sort of 'frilly' appearance. Dream has not this characteristic and presents an even colour tone. The effect of Susan Bliss is of the same tone slightly blurred (Olive Murrell in Iris Soc year Book 1928)
Daughter of Phyllis Bliss, growing very tall, 3'6" high. In the border, the flowers appear in certain lights to be of a uniform shade of deep rose pink. it is certainly the pinkest toned iris yet raised. The beard is light orange and adds a very pleasing note to colour tone. It is very free flowering and of robust constitution, two year old clumps giving several spikes of flowers. Very tall, each spike bearing 3 or 4 flowers open at the same time. This variety will be very popular. Accurate colour description according to Ridgeway's Colour Chart would be a slight graduation of tone between liserian purple and rose purple. (Wallace 1922)