Silver Gilt Medal to Mr AJ Bliss for Carfax. A tall widely branching, very free flowering iris with very large flowers of fine Dominion race form and rich red-purple colour. Height 3’6” [105cm]. Branching from low down, widely and four way. From six to eight branches on a full sized spike with a corresponding number of flowers out together. A very large flower of fine form (Dominion being one if its grandparents). Standards smooth and arching 2¾” x 2 3/8” broad. Falls broad hafted, smooth, hanging,2¼”x 2 5/8” (blade only). Colour: standards Rosolane purple (67 Ridgeway) to auricular purple (67k) at margins. Falls rich velvety Dahlia purple to Dark red purple(67k to m). Close defined red-brown reticulations not specially conspicuous. Very good substance and slight but distinct scent. (List of Awards1929: BIS yearbook).
A magnificent sight here, over 50 plants being in full bloom. In colouring it is near to Archeveque,and stands over 40" [102cm] high, but so much praise has already been bestowed on this fine iris in the Gardening Press that I will not go into any further descriptions or details here. It is really unique (Olive Murrell BIS yearbook 1930, at Morwellham)
This magnificent iris is exceptionally well branched, usually carrying 6-8 branches on a spike with a corresponding number of flowers out together. Indeed a spike in full bloom is like a huge candelabra as the branching is 4 way. The flowers are very large, of perfect form and substance and the colour is an intense red auricular purple, the falls being wonderfully rich and velvety. Beard not conspicuous. Mid season (Orpington 1930)