LURLINE (1919)

TB-M-R1M superseded? (AIS Checklist 1939)

Leonidas x Queen of May

FCC MHS [?] 1915

Lilac mauve pallida of similar colouring to Rosalind, but the flowers are of finer form and colour quite distinct. Very early. Standards pale lilac mauve; Falls light reddish mauve. A fine free flowering variety. 3' 4"[100cm] (Orpington 1923)


Similar to Dream but several shades darker. Rose lilac. Falls darker than Standards. An improvement on Her Majesty similar to Pauline but larger. Very prolific medium sized flowers 36-40" [90-102cm] (Bonnewitz 1927)


Very deep reddish-mauve-lilac, almost a self. A little deeper than Tamar but not so tall. Of the same color tone as Pauline but larger. A medium sized free flowering variety which is an improvement on Her Majesty. (Treholme Gardens catalog 1928)