MORWELL (1917)
Trosupurba x Dalmatica
RHS AM 1916
Wallace was evaluating irises at Wisley………when he came upon a tall, large-flowered pale blue-violet iris called Morwell. This was in 1915. Wallace thought Morwell was an exceptionally fine cultivar. He was told that Morwell was bred by a man named Bliss. Wallace was unfamiliar with the name, but he was so impressed with the iris that he asked for and obtained Bliss’ address. He then wrote to Bliss and arranged to visit the nearly deserted village of Morwellham in the west of England to see Bliss’s irises’. (Clarance Mahan in ‘Classic Irises and the Men and Women who created them’. Pub 2007.)
Bicolour 8.2.(6) V (1): Brief: Standards light lavender violet, Falls bluish violet, stalk low and widely branched, growth moderate, 3'[90cm]. Details: Standards overlapping, beard white yellow tipped, haft white, reticulated finely with light brown. Remarks: Although distinct when know, the varieties of this type can hardly be identified from a description (AIS Bulletin #6,1922)