TB-M-Y9M (Superseded? AIS Checklist 1939 )
Free flowering squalens hybrid with medium sized flowers of fine Monsigneur form. Standards clear honey yellow to chamois, Falls reddish brown, paler at margins. Colours clear and most striking in the mass. Sturdy grower 2'6"[75cm]. (Orpington 1922/25)
Bicolour, Standards honey yellow, Falls veined pansy violet, light edge, variegata habit. 30"[75cm] Standards cupped Falls flaring, ruffled, Haft white, beard orange. Free flowering but not distinctive. (AIS Bulletin: #12)
VIKING (1920)
TB-M-B1M (Superseded? AIS Checklist 1939)
Princess Beatrice x Mme Chereau
Vigorous and of rapid increase, with glaucous foliage 20"[50cm]. Flowering stems 30"[75cm], nearly straight, 7 flowered, flowers stiff, well proportioned and medium size, rich lavender blue. Standards almost round, domed; falls hanging down; beard white, tipped lemon. (RHS Trials Wisley 1928)
Pure violet-blue pallida similar to, but considerably deeper in colour than Suffren. And the individual flowers are larger. The habit of growth is exceedingly good, and it is very free flowering. 3'[90cm]. (1920+ Orpington1923)
Self, true lavender violet self, pallida habit 3' [90cm]. Standards arched, Falls drooping, haft finely reticulated maroon at edge. Clear colour, but not distinctive. (AIS Bulletin #12)
See also in COLLECTION
TB. (Not yet in commerce; AIS Checklist 1939)
YEOMAN (1922)
Trosupurba x Dominion
RHS AM 1929
Rather slow of increase with glaucous green foliage 21"[55cm]. Flowering stem 36"[90cm] straight, 5 or 6 flowered, flowers close, fairly large, of excellent shape. Standards domed 2¾ x 2¼" pale lavender blue. Falls hanging straight blade 2x2¼" rich nigrosin violet, beard tipped yellow. (RHS Trials Wisley)
Exceptionally free flowering, splendid grower with large richly coloured flowers. Standards clear light violet blue, Falls rich deep velvety violet blue with light brown reticulations at haft. One of best blue bicolor, 2' 6"[75cm]. (Wallace: 1926)
See also in COLLECTION
ZULU (1920)
TB-B3D (obsolete AIS 1939 superseded? )
RHS AM 1930
Dark blue Dominion seedling of distinct form, with long and broad hanging falls. Standards deep steely aniline blue. Falls dark velvety blue purple. Good branching habit and very late flowering.
Very dark flowered Dominion seedling. Large flowers of very good form. Smooth arching Standards 2¼" broad and long. Broad hafted hanging falls. Standards dull bluish violet, Falls very rich deep velvety purple. Paler at margins. Medium branching spike. 2' 10" [85cm](AJB: 1920/21)
Of moderate vigour and medium increase, with erect glaucous green foliage, 24” [60cm] high. Flowering stems 38”[95cm], erect, somewhat zigzag, branches short, above middle, 6 flowered. Flowers close, well proportioned, large, stiff. Standards domes 3”x2⅜”, lavender violet. Falls straight hanging, pinched 2⅜”x2”, deep rich violet blue with pale margins. Veins brownish on haft. Beard bluish white deeply tipped with orange. RHS Trials Wisley 1930)