SAMITE (1920)
TB-M-W4 (obsolete AIS 1939 superseded? (Whiting 1952 – also white))
Flavescens x Mrs Neubronner
Creamy white self of distinct new type with very broad short falls which spread horizontally. Flowers of good substance. Medium strong grower with distinct shining green foliage and fairly free flowering. Unbranched flower stalks. 2'3" [70cm] (1920+ Orpington 1923)
SARANAC (1921)
TB-R9M (obsolete AIS 1939 superseded? )
Phyllis Bliss x Diadem
Deep red pallida, a much improved Assuerus being clearer and deeper coloured and redder, with larger flowers of fine form similar to Diadem. Standards rose-purple, Falls red-purple. Free flowering. Moderate grower 2' 6" [75cm] (AJB: 1921/22)
TB-S6L (obsolete AIS checklist 1939 (not yet in commerce))
Bruno x
Bruno seedling. earliest by about 10 days of all Dominion or Bruno race. Also yellowest (in Standards and style branches) of any of race, and seeds most freely. Redder Falls. (AJB in AIS Bulletin: #43)
SENLAC (1929)
Z159.22. This is the best iris of the three [Z159.7; Z159.16; Z159.22] for garden effect and one that is bound to have a big future. Mr Bliss has since named this 'Senlac' (field of blood), and it is being put into commerce this year. It is a very fine claret-red similar in size and form to those described above, but it is practically a self, the falls having hardly the velvety finish of the others and the beard is not quite so conspicuous. It is a magnificent grower, is very tall and flowers most freely, and will be found invaluable for colour in the border as it is the first claret-red to take a place with such tall large-flowered varieties as Germaine Perthius,Ambassadeur, Asia etc. (Olive Murrell: Seen at Mr AJ Bliss’ at Morwellham. 1929)
See also in COLLECTION
TB-R7D (obsolete AIS checklist 1939 superseded? Whit.1920; Campbell B. 1930)
Dominion x Trosupurba
Large flowers of good form and substance. Standards ageratum violet to Argyle purple in centre and stained straw at base. Falls very rich velvety raisin purple to blackish purple in centre. Close reticulations of brown on yellowish on hafts, Scented. Red toned flower similar to Red Admiral but taller. branching spikes; strong grower, 3' 6". Sister seedling of Majestic with flowers the same size and form but redder colouring (AJB: 1920/21)
SINTRAM (1920)
TB-M-S9D (obsolete AIS checklist 1939 superseded?)
? x Dominion
Very large flowers with hanging circular falls of very fine form, smooth and flat, 2 3/8" broad. Standards pleroma violet to manganese violet. Falls very rich velvety purple. (prune purple to blackish purple or darker). A rich dark flower but not so harmoniously coloured as Tenebrae. about 2' 10" (AJB 1920/21)
TB-M-B3M (obsolete AIS 1939 superseded?)
Trosupurba x Dominion
Very large flowers of finest form, arching Standards over 2⅛" broad, light lavender violet. Falls circular, very smooth and flat, 2⅜" broad, mulberry purple to cotinga purple. Colour very fresh and clear. Branching spike 2' 10".(AJB:1920/21)
SONORA (1927)
TB-M-S6D (AIS 1939 checklist :not yet in commerce)
Conchobar x Bruno
Dark mahogany red (Sturtevant in AIS Bulletin. #43)
DB-E-B1M (obsolete AIS checklist 1939)
Germanica x Fieberi
Standards and falls almost circular. Standards light lavender violet. Falls bright deep blue-violet (AJB)
Flowers of Aphylla type with larger and broader segments and it is of a deeper colour. Beard projecting and conspicuous, bluer than Aphylla. Very free flowering 12-15". (1920+ Orpington 1923)
SUDAN (1921) PBF
TB-M-S6D (superseded? AIS Checklist 1939)
Bicolour, Standards primuline yellow flushed fawn colour. Falls velvety raisin purple with a light border, variegata habit. To 27"[70cm]. Falls rounded, wire edge segments, beard conspicuous, orange, brown speckled. Rich compact flower, type of Mrs Cowley. Foliage tinged at base. Standards with tips adpressed. (AIS Bulletin #9)
See also in COLLECTION
SUFFREN (1919)
TB-B1M (obsolete AIS checklist 1939)
Princess Beatrice x Mme Chereau
Pale violet blue self of pallida type, similar to Drake but a bluer tone. Very large flowers of good form, borne on a close spike. Habit of growth is excellent, and it is very free flowering. 3' 4"[102cm]. (1920+ Orpington1923)
SUNSET (1922)
TB-S6M (not yet in commerce; obsolete AIS checklist 1939)
Phyllis Bliss x Diadem
Haarlem FCC 1930
Dream and Susan Bliss are both a delicate pink self and are very beautiful in form and poise. Dream has an orange beard … in Susan Bliss the beard is not so intense a yellow and the plant is more sturdy in growth. In our climate I think that perhaps SB is the better plant, if only one of these is required as Dream flowers to perfection during fine sunny weather. At Wisley these two were growing side by side and one difference was very noticable. Susan Bliss has a certain amount of undulation in the standards and falls that give it in mass a sort of 'frilly' appearance. Dream has not this characteristic and presents an even colour tone. The effect of Susan Bliss is of the same tone slightly blurred (Olive Murrell in Iris Soc year Book 1928)
See also in COLLECTION
SWAZI (1922)
? x Dominion
RHS AM 1930
Flowers of Dominion type with spreading falls but colouring is much brighter. Standards violet blue. Falls rich velvety pleroma purple. Well branched spikes and exceptionally free flowering. Late. (AJB)
Vigorous, of rapid increase, with erect glaucous green foliage 24"[60cm]. Flower stems 36"[90cm] erect zigzag, branching at and above the middle 8-10 flowered. Flowers large well proportioned stiff. Standards domed 2¾x 1⅞", bright violet. Falls drooping 1¾x 1⅞", deep rich velvety violet, distinct veins on haft. style branches white with violet midribs. Crest pale violet, beard ,,,, orange , upper half bronze.
Mme Chereau x Cordelia
RHS AM 1930
Two shades of rosy mauve. It owes its charm perhaps as much to its light and open branching habit as to its colour. (AJB in The Garden 1924)
Vigorous, of rapid increase with erect glaucous green foliage 22"[55cm]. Flower medium size, well proportioned, stiff. Standards cupped almost circular 1⅞ x 1¾" light lavender violet. Falls fairly drooping 2⅛ x 1⅞" matthews purple, margins paler, veining distinct at base on whitish ground, beard white tipped bronzy yellow. (RHS Trials Wisley)
See also in COLLECTION
SYPHAX (1917)
TB-M-S9L (AIS 1939 checklist superseded?)
Cordelia x Thorbecke) x (an amenona x Queen of May)
RHS CM 1916
Exceptionally good form, with large flowers. Standards pale violet, Falls deep crimson purple, boldly reticulated at the haft, free flowering, 2'3'[70cm]. The Falls hanging almost flat give the flower a unique shape. (1920)
Bicolour, Standards mauve, Falls velvety raisin purple, flushed ochre at haft, long stalk high branched, crowded, growth moderate to vigorous 30"[75cm]. Standards erect, Falls straight hanging, beard conspicuous, orange, styles a sides [?]. Distinctive shape and colour contrast. (AIS bulletin #9)