GABRIEL (1921)
Tartarin x Morwell
An exceedingly free flowering, tall and branching variety, this iris carries very large and particularly well formed flowers. The Standards are bright clear lavender blue, very broad (2¾"), rounded and finely arched. The Falls are light violet blue, suffused deeper at the haft, as broad as the standards and flat hanging. A really beautiful iris, well up to Mr Bliss's high standard of size and quality.( Orpington:1923)
TB (obsolete AIS Checklist 1939)
GLAMOUR (1922)
Trosuperba x Dominion
A seedling of the Dominion race and one of the most attractive and beautiful varieties we have yet seen. It is a strong branching grower and particularly free flowering, while the individual blooms, though perhaps not quite so large as those of Titan or Moa have great substance, lasting quality, refinement and perfect form. The broad and finely arched Standards are heliotrope tinged pale ochre-yellow and shot lilac. The Falls being a pure rich red pansy violet. 3'[90cm]. Stock very limited. (Orpington 1922)
GLITTER (1919)
TB-M-Y9M (obsolete AIS checklist 1939 superseded?)
Flavescens x Maori King
Very early. Standards bright golden yellow, Falls pale chestnut brown with soft yellow margin. Very free flowering 27"[70cm] (Wallace: 1920/24)
GNOME (1921)
Kochii x Macrantha
Early dwarf variety of strong and compact grown. Self; deep ruby claret (like Kochii but larger in every way). Flowers frequently come an imperfect shape. 18"[45cm]. (Wallace 1921/22)
(Knysna x E H Jenkins) x Dominion
RHS FCC 1932
Miss Grace Sturtevant: FCC 1932 Vigorous and of rapid increase with erect glaucous green foliage 24”[60cm] high. Flowering stems 42”[107cm], erect, 10 flowered, branches long. Flowers large closely arranged, well proportioned stiff, slightly cupped with waved margins 2½”x 2¼” dull brownish mahogany, base yellowish. Falls straight hanging 2x2” rich deep velvety purple-maroon. Veins on haft distinct. Beard very conspicuous, deep orange. Flowering for 3 weeks from 6th June (RHS Trials Wisley 1933)
See also in COLLECTION
(not yet in commerce AIS checklist 1939… superseded?)
(Asiatica x Macrantha) x Dalmatica
Grenville: Pallida; a Bluer Albert Victor. (Wister AIS Bull 1919)
Standards lavender shaded to white at edge, falls deep lavender.(Bonnewitz 1926)